What ‘Self Exclusionary Response Found’ Means In SASSA?

What Does Self Exclusionary Response Found Means In SASSA

Have you ever heard of the term self exclusionary response found in the context of SASSA? It may sound like a mouthful, but it holds significant implications for South African citizens who rely on social assistance.

This intriguing concept delves into the intricate web of data analysis and eligibility criteria used by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) to determine who qualifies for various forms of financial support.

Understanding what self exclusionary response found means could shed light on how SASSA navigates through vast amounts of information to ensure that those most in need are receiving the help they deserve. So, let’s embark on an exploration into this enigmatic phrase and unravel its impact on social welfare in South Africa.

What ‘Self Exclusionary Response Found’ Means?

When a ‘Self Exclusionary Response Found’ is shown, it means SASSA has discovered that you are already receiving an income of more than R350 per month. This finding could result in your exclusion from certain social assistance programs or benefits provided by SASSA. This error response usually occurs when you are checking your SASSA Status.

This response is a protective measure implemented by SASSA to prevent double-dipping, ensuring that limited financial resources are allocated to individuals who are truly in need.

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If you find yourself facing a ‘Self Exclusionary Response Found’ and believe that there has been an error or change in your financial situation that was not considered, you have the option to appeal the decision. Make sure that you apply for SASSA Appeal within 90 days of rejection.

Understanding the SASSA Appeal Process:

The appeal process is designed to provide individuals with an opportunity to present additional information or evidence that may impact the initial decision.

Here’s a brief overview of the SASSA appeal process:

  1. Visit the SASSA Website: Access the SASSA appeals portal at srd.sassa.gov.za/appeals/appeal.
  2. Provide Personal Information: Enter your ID number and the phone number used during the initial application process.
  3. Request and Enter PIN: Click “Send Pin” to request a PIN. Enter the PIN received in the provided field.
  4. Specify Appeal Details: Choose the month for which you want to appeal and select the appropriate reason for your appeal.
  5. Submit Your Appeal: Complete the process by submitting your appeal through the online portal.

Timely Action and Waiting Period

To ensure the success of your appeal, it’s essential to take timely action and be aware of the waiting period associated with the process.

  1. File Your Appeal Promptly: Submit your appeal within 30 days (strictly not exceeding 90 days) of the initial denial to ensure it is considered.
  2. Be Patient During the Waiting Period: Understand that it may take up to 90 days for a decision on your appeal. Exercise patience during this period.
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It’s worth noting that many applicants have had their appeals approved, resulting in the successful processing of payments. The appeal process is designed to accommodate changes in individual circumstances, providing an avenue for those who may have encountered the ‘Self Exclusionary Response Found’ due to factors beyond their control.

Seek Further Assistance if Necessary

If your appeal is unsuccessful and you still believe there has been an error, you may explore further avenues for assistance. This could involve seeking advice from legal professionals or contacting SASSA directly for clarification.


The ‘Self Exclusionary Response Found’ message in SASSA serves as a protective measure to ensure that financial aid is directed to those who genuinely need it. The appeal process provides individuals with a means to contest the decision, presenting additional information or evidence that may influence the outcome.

It is crucial for individuals to be proactive in the appeal process and provide comprehensive documentation to support their case.

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